“Maybe this is the last meal I will have with my family.”
Qi Ming is a church leader from China. When his church was closed down he was forced to flee for his life.
Watch the video to find out more about his story, then think through the questions below:
1. “It made our faith more real and opened our eyes”. Trials and pressures can often affect our faith, but this experience only made Qi Ming’s faith more real. Can you think of times when your faith has become stronger or more real? What happened and why?
2. “If you really believe in Jesus, this must happen in your life?”. How do you feel about that quote from Qi Ming? Does following Jesus involve a cost? Look up Luke 9:23-26. We might not face persecution like Qi Ming, but Jesus is explicit, we need to ‘take up our cross’ to truly follow him. What does that mean to you? What does ‘taking up your cross’ look like?
Pray for Qi Ming and his brave faith.
And pray for yourself, that you'd stand strong when life doesn't go as planned and that you'd be able to know that following Jesus is worth whatever the cost.
Pray for the church in China as it faces restrictions and pressure.
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