We serve Christians around the world whose brave faith in Jesus means they are, beaten, threatened, imprisoned, tortured, falsely accused, disowned and hated.

Brother Andrew Gallery!


We’ve dug deep into the Open Doors archives to uncover some incredible images from Open Doors (and Open Doors founder, Brother Andrew’s) history. Take a look at the images below and take a step back in history!

Brother Andrew talking about this picture said… “That’s in Yugoslavia, I had Bible portions in the wheel house and they came loose in the middle of a busy street in Sophia, rolling all over the street. This must have been my first trip.”
Taken in Poland, 1955. This was the first picture ever made of Brother Andrew in a Communist country. Andrew is the one wearing a blazer and looking up. The blazer is from WEC college and the patch says “The whole wide world for Jesus.”
Brother Andrew’s first trip to China at the Great Wall in 1965, just before Cultural Revolution
Brother Andrew with his briefcase. From the 1960s.
Brother Andrew visited Lebanon an average of twice per year during the civil war which raged from 1975 to 1990. Above, he sits on a balcony in a chair damaged during a missile attack. Note also holes from shrapnel on wall behind.
Brother Andrew walking out of the ruins of a destroyed church in Lebanon. Taken in 1987.
Taken in El Salvador in the 1980s, this image shows Brother Andrew praying with a guerilla soldier
Brother Andrew sitting against a shipment of Spanish Bibles bound for Latin America. Taken sometime in the 1980s
Brother Andrew first met Yasser Arafat in Tunis in the early 1980’s. In this picture Arafat looks at materials printed in the Palestinian Bible Society. Andrew used his relationship with the PLO to help expedite approval of the Bible book shop in Gaza city.
In Angola. Brother Andrew talking about this picture said… “I had a terrific time in Angola. I went to the South African resistance movement and the liberation movement had an embassy. I looked around and saw Lenin’s face on books on every desk. He looked so miserable. I said ‘I want to put a Bible next to Lenin, maybe he would become happier’. They said ‘If we come to your embassy and we see the Bible on every desk, would you let us put Lenin next to it?’. I said ‘by all means!’ They said ‘Then we’ll be real friends’. I figured if they had the Bible then they would be different. So I put the Bible next to Lenin in the embassy.”
1981. Project Pearl’ sees one million Bibles delivered to a beach in China in just one night, thanks to Gabriella, the boat pictured. Thousands of waiting believers gather to receive them.
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