the Salvation Army Church in the Majengo area of Mombasa Island was DESTROYED in riots following the murder of a prominent Muslim cleric. AFTER THE RIOTS, THE TREND OF violence against Christians in the area CONTINUED.
But more recently, things have changed. Major Robert Nzioka, the leader of the church, said “We used to receive regular threats, especially on Sundays as congregants walked to church… But these threats have stopped almost completely.
“The few members who still hear comments are now bold enough to respectfully assert their right to worship… The support we have received after attacks has served to strengthen us. We now know that we are not a small church struggling to stay alive here, but that we are part of the wider body of Christ who genuinely cares about us.”
After the attacks, we asked you to pray for Majengo Salvation Army Church and write to encourage the church there. Many responded, Open Doors was able to present Robert with a package of letters and cards from around the world.
The smile on Robert’s face could have lit up the room. “May God bless you for bringing us these letters!”
The cards were distributed at the end of the service, a few to each person. At first the church fell silent. The response was incredible. ‘Thank you! Tell them thank you!’
Ephy (11) and Catherine (10) with their cards
Ephy (11) and Catherine (10) came over to show off their cards and say thank you. When asked what they would like to say to people who wrote the letters, they immediately responded: “Please tell them, ‘we love you too!’”
Faith, carrying baby Abigail, smiled as she said, “Mine is from Roy and Judith in England. Thank them from me and tell them I too will be praying for them.”
Jeremiah wrote a note, saying: “You have made us proud to be one in Christ with you and we wish to extend our great love and prayers to all who have touched our hearts. God bless you all.”
Major Robert wrote this personal note to say thank you:
Dear Comrades in Christ,
I thank the Almighty God because of His powers over my family and the entire church. God is good all the time, we have peace in Mombasa, the area is now cool, Jesus under control. We appreciate your gifts, and we thank you for your special word of encouragement. Thank you, God bless you all for that tender love. We know we have friends who stand with us in times of persecutions through prayers. “Together in Christ in prayers we stand.”
God bless you very much,
Yours in Christ,
Major Robert Nzioka.
Praise God for the improved safety and confidence of members of the Majengo Salvation Army Church
For comfort for the family of Sheikh Salim Bakari Mwarangi, and that his death would not lead to further outbreaks of violence
That the believers would continue to be bold in defending their faith
For peace in Kenya