We serve Christians around the world whose brave faith in Jesus means they are, beaten, threatened, imprisoned, tortured, falsely accused, disowned and hated.



Miracles were how Narendran first came to know Jesus. “I belonged to a traditional Hindu family. Our family came to know about the Lord after experiencing miraculous deliverance from our problems and sicknesses,” he says. “I committed my life to the Lord’s ministry.” 

These interventions continued when Narendran and Kavita moved to their village. Narendran shares one of many examples: “A cancer patient, whom doctors had given up hope for, received healing through our prayers. People began to believe in Jesus, and the church grew.”

Word spread about this miraculous God, and before long there were 40 new believers attending the church. Almost everyone in the village was Hindu, but the church didn’t face opposition or persecution for many years. Sadly, that slowly began to change.

Persecution begins in the village

“Even before things started happening, I was being guided in spirit to pray this prayer: ‘Lord, please keep us safe from all troubles,’” Nerendran said. “I had questions in my mind, but I continued praying this prayer. I know now that this prayer was for a purpose.”

Persecution began during a New Year’s service. At first it was just that some young Hindus came and cut up the shoes left in the entrance of the church by members of the congregation. But things escalated. They were stopped in the midst of a funeral from burying a Christian who had passed away in the local burial grounds.

A few days later, Narendran and Kavita were gathered with a few other Christians for a night of prayer. Some young men came to the church gate and started shouting at Kavita: “Why are you making so much noise? You cannot conduct such prayers here?”

The Christians concluded their prayers and started for home – but were violently intercepted.  “They shouted abusive language at the believers and started to beat my husband,” says Kavita. “All the gathered Christians fled to their homes.”

Narendran had to go to hospital because of the attack, but the attackers pressured doctors to refrain from helping him. Only when other pastors and a lawyer intervened were the couple given the necessary medical care. 

Because of their injuries, and the delay in treatment, they were hospitalised for a week. While they were there, the extremists took the opportunity to smash up the church.

Open Doors partners stand by Narendran and Kavita

While Narendran and Kavita were in the hospital, local Open Doors partners heard what had happened. They rushed to pray with the couple and encourage them. Thanks to Open Doors supporters like you, the partners were able to provide groceries to the couple as they struggled to afford their family’s basic needs.

The persecution has had a significant impact on the church community. Narendran can’t go out for outreach or to visit members of the congregation because he fears extremists. And the church has shrunk after the violence.

Long-term support and hope

Narendran and Kavita have a much lower income now, as they relied on offerings from the congregation. Fortunately, your gifts and prayers were once again able to help with this long-term need. When Open Doors partners learned about the couple’s situation, they bought them a sewing machine which led to them opening a tailoring shop.

“We would have been living in fear and anxiety if you had not come to our aid. We realised we are not alone. God’s people stand with us in our troubles and support us through prayer.”

Despite the ongoing challenges, Narendran and Kavita are determined to stay close to the Lord and not let anything pull them away from their calling. They continue their ministry in the same village, trusting in the Lord that He will be with them and lead them.

“We were sad thinking about why these things had happened to us,” Kavita says, still suffering from the physical and emotional impact of the attack. “We thought that we could not continue the ministry, but the Lord strengthened us through His Word, which said: ‘Do not be afraid, for I am with you.’ (Isaiah 41:10) We were encouraged, and we know now that persecution helped us to become stronger in faith – and that God will use it to bless our ministry.”

“Scripture says, ‘In this world you will have troubles. But take heart, I have overcome the world,’” Narendran says, referring to John 16:33. “I believe God will not leave us alone and that nothing can separate us from the love of God. The more we face persecution, the more the Lord will bless our ministry. We have hope in God for our future!”

*Names changed for security reasons


For Narendran and Kavita to have strength, protection and hope as they continue their ministry


For all Christians in India to receive true equality and feel safe and free to worship Jesus.


That Christians would courageously return to services, and that the church would grow and spread the love of Christ

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