Despite having to flee home after three devastating attacks on his community, Pastor Soré is still trusting in God…
Pastor Barnabas lives in a displacement camp in Nigeria with thousands of others after fleeing militant violence. Watch his story and join the Arise Africa campaign…
Please join with your church family in sub-Saharan Africa, asking God to stop the violence and start the healing. Use these prayers as a starting point!
See how writing a letter of encouragement helped one church in Kenya…
Encourage your whole church to send some light to their persecuted family this Christmas!
Write to encourage Elnura in Central Asia and send some light this Christmas!
Write to encourage Christians who have suffered loss, pain and trauma in Nigeria…
Through prayer, the Church is strengthened. Governments shift and conflicts cease. Get inspired by reading how prayers are being answered…
Watch and see how Pastor Andrew and his community have rebuilt and grown since a devastating attack…
“My best thing about Christmas is the dramas we watch in church and the songs we sing, and how they share Christmas gifts…”